The Birds and Me

A solo quail visits my bird feeder each morning for the past 2 weeks. His small, black topknot along with his mottled feathers tells me he is a juvenile. He is an orphan but surprisingly, adopted by a family of mourning doves and while they feed alongside him, I notice their symmetry; they have been… Continue reading The Birds and Me

The Sun, The Mountain and Me

  My thoughts have been cluttered these past few weeks; like an octopus’ tentacles splayed in every direction possible, grasping, attaching, to everything it can find. It is not unlike me to live inside a chaotic mind and I even fancy it at times, as with the madness,  comes the satisfaction of doing, of producing,… Continue reading The Sun, The Mountain and Me

Bike Lessons

To consider myself a mountain biker, or a biker of any sort, would be like considering my French Mastiff to be a lap dog.  Does he like to sit in my lap? Yes. Does he fit? Not quite. Although I lack the refined skills to master any rock gardens and taking a berm would be… Continue reading Bike Lessons

Raising Good Citizens

Today my youngest daughter was the recipient of an award from our local Rotary Club. The honor, for outstanding leadership and citizenship, was given to one fifth grade and one eighth grade student from each school in the district-22 in all. Needless to say, we were thrilled that she was selected by her school’s administration… Continue reading Raising Good Citizens

My Mountain Part 1

I live on the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains, a range which parallels a portion of the Los Angeles Pacific coastline. It is a beautiful range which, from its peaks, offers spectacular 360 degree views, incorporating the ocean, islands,and valleys rich with farmland and suburban as well as city views.  Pretty incredible when you… Continue reading My Mountain Part 1


As a parent, we are blessed (and sometimes cursed) to experience many “firsts.”  Some firsts are bigger than others.  First steps, first day of Kindergarten, first date, to name a few but other “firsts”, while not as awesome or monumental, can still catch you off-guard and play with your heart. Today, I dropped my 10… Continue reading Firsts