The Birds and Me

A solo quail visits my bird feeder each morning for the past 2 weeks. His small, black topknot along with his mottled feathers tells me he is a juvenile. He is an orphan but surprisingly, adopted by a family of mourning doves and while they feed alongside him, I notice their symmetry; they have been… Continue reading The Birds and Me

Where do you Find “it”?

With the continued escalation of world problems along with the persistent, never ending ideological debates, it feels nearly impossible to escape heightened stress levels in our daily lives. IT (aka STRESS) is lurking everywhere. Even our safe zones have now been infiltrated. IT fills our coffee houses, our roads, our Happy Hours with friends like… Continue reading Where do you Find “it”?

Seeing Beyond the Thorns

On a hike today, I chose to leave any company behind and just be with myself. I don’t get to be solo very often. Between the demands of a job and maintaining a balance with friendships and family, I find little time for blank space. My nature is to go, to do, to be present,… Continue reading Seeing Beyond the Thorns

The Sun, The Mountain and Me

  My thoughts have been cluttered these past few weeks; like an octopus’ tentacles splayed in every direction possible, grasping, attaching, to everything it can find. It is not unlike me to live inside a chaotic mind and I even fancy it at times, as with the madness,  comes the satisfaction of doing, of producing,… Continue reading The Sun, The Mountain and Me

Bike Lessons

To consider myself a mountain biker, or a biker of any sort, would be like considering my French Mastiff to be a lap dog.  Does he like to sit in my lap? Yes. Does he fit? Not quite. Although I lack the refined skills to master any rock gardens and taking a berm would be… Continue reading Bike Lessons


Living in Southern California, while pricey, has many perks which is why we stay and put up with the ridiculous mortgage, the traffic, the cost of gas etc. The weather is a given.  Being a native, I would curse the Rose Parade as our pure sunshine on New Year’s Day would radiate through millions of… Continue reading Staycation