Happy Day

img_0040Yesterday, I met my oldest friend in Hermosa Beach. With me in Ventura County and she in Orange County, it is the perfect halfway point and our favorite.
Most days we start by roller blading on the strand (something which I have recently discovered, kind of dates us- not many roller bladers out there anymore- ha!) and then having a few Bloody Mary’s at Hennesey’s Pub on their rooftop which offers a spectacular view of the beach. We get time to catch up on all things (we try to get the serious stuff out of the way first) and we laugh. Sandy and I laugh a lot. We get eachother and our quirkiness.

The day finishes with a walk on the beach and a view of the sunset. Yesterday’s was exceptional. It was like heaven poured down in front of us.

We have been best friends for 38 years. It is hard to believe. We have had our ups and downs but at the end of the day, she is the sister I never had. We went to school together, lived together, were in eachother’s weddings, traveled through Europe together, shared time in child rearing and divorces, in crappy relationships and loss. We have fought and not spoken for years, we have shared intimate secrets and we have maintained a unique bond which we are sure will carry through until the time we are in assisted living homes!

Yesterday was a happy day and happy days are a gift never to be taken for granted.


One thought on “Happy Day

  1. I love you my friend and treasure every bit of our 38years together!! Looking forward to many many more lmao moments with you!💗


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